Tourism and Hospitality Management is a refereed, open access journal that promotes research and the dissemination of research results in the field of tourism and hospitality. It publishes peer reviewed articles and encourages an interchange between tourism and hospitality researchers, educators and managers.
Tourism and Hospitality Management publishes the following types of contributions:
- Research papers (can be empirically based or conceptual papers; empirical papers report on any type of research undertaken by the author(s) including the testing of a model, framework or data, market research or surveys; conceptual papers focus on developing hypotheses and are usually discursive; should not exceed 8,000 words in length (including abstract, references, figures and tables)). Please use the following template.
- Review papers (annotate and/or critique the literature in a particular field, must make a contribution to the understanding of theory or methodology on a topic beyond what is already known; should not exceed 8,000 words in length (including abstract, references, figures and tables)). Please use the following template.
- Research notes/Short communications (concise and short reports and cutting edge papers on a research theme, topic or development in theory or method; should not exceed 2,500 words in length (including abstract, references, figures and tables)). Please use the following template.
- Viewpoints (author's opinion and interpretation on a topic relevant for research and practice; magazine-style contribution that should not exceed 1,500 words in length (including abstract, references, figures and tables)). Please use the following template.
- Teaching and learning case studies (can be based on empirical research or real-world examples from industry; aim to provide a high quality teaching and learning resource; should not exceed 2,500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures and references)). Please use the following template.
- Book reviews (around 1,000 words in length). Please use the following template.
Submitted papers are subject to double-blind reviews (except viewpoints which are reviewed only by the editors). Professional and technical papers will not be published. Improperly formatted manuscripts will be returned to the authors, without double-blind review.
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors need to ensure that all of the co-authors contributed to the scientific results and findings to a sufficient extent to be regarded as co-authorship. Guest authorship without the actual involvement of the co-author and ghost authorship without listing the real author are considered to be unethical behaviour.
The journal does not charge the article submission and processing fees.
Please read and follow the guidelines for authors carefully. Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the guidelines, will be returned to authors. Guidelines for authors can be found here.
Submissions to the Tourism and Hospitality Management journal are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system.
Registration and access is available at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/thm
If you have not yet registered on ScholarOne Manuscripts, please follow the instructions below:
- please log on to: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/thm
- click on Create Account
- follow the on-screen instructions, filling in the requested details before proceeding
- your username will be your email address and you have to input a password of at least 8 characters in length, containing two or more numbers
- click finish and your account will be created.
The Tourism and Hospitality Management journal is committed to peer review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for its suitability by the editors and/or some members of advisory board, it is then sent to at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. The peer-review process is done via ScholarOne.
Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or significantly similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that their work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For ease of dissemination and to ensure proper policing of use, papers and contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher.
The editors use Crossref Similarity Check (iThenticate) for checking the originality of submissions received.
By the submission of a manuscript, the corresponding author is required to sign a copyright agreement
Where possible the Publisher of Tourism and Hospitality Management seeks to obtain copyright for the material it publishes, without authors giving up their scholarly rights to reuse the work.
First and foremost, the more specific Guidelines for Authors must be followed, below is merely a checklist to make sure you have covered all the items needed for your initial submission.
- The manuscript is prepared according to the Guidelines for Authors by using the Research & review paper template or Research note template.
- The manuscript is written in the required style of English (British English).
- The manuscript has no more than 8,000 words in length (this includes all text, including references).
- The abstract should not exceed 200 words should be set out under 4 sub-headings:
- Purpose
- Methodology/Design/Approach Methodology
- Findings
- Originality of the research